Reroll Settings
Interaction Reroll
How it works?
Interaction reroll is based on a simple interactions. When a reroll is happening the title is shown and its waiting for the player's action, which is Left-Click (Reroll) or Shift-Click (Claim)
You can make multiple limit groups and the group can be set by the permission aquaticcrates.reroll.<crate-id>.<permission>. Have in mind that if you are OP or have all perms, you will have the highest limit that is in the configuration.
GUI Reroll
How it works?
Instead of a simple interaction a customizable GUI is opened when the plugin is waiting for the action. There are 2 buttons, Claim and Reroll and that's basically it.
What's reward slot?
reward-slot is the slot where's gonna be placed the randomly chosen reward.
Last updated