Animation Types



  • Instant animation has no visual effects or anything similar to that. After opening the crate it just instantly gives a reward to the player.


  • Cinematic animation is one the most advanced animation type of AquaticCrates. After opening the crate, it toggles the cinematic camera mode to player, so the player is being teleported at a defined spot. The hotbar and crosshair are hidden and the camera can be smothly moved and rotated. The animation can contain the Crate model animation, particle effects, sound effects, messages, titles, reward rumbling and much more! The animation is done using packets so it can be instanced and unlimited amount of players can open the crate at the same time.


  • Placedcrate animation is basically using the model of your placed crate. When the crate is being opened, the model starts playing an animation. In the comparation with cinematic animation, this animation cannot be instanced and it does not contain the cinematic camera. But the features are pretty same.


  • This animation is really the same as PlacedCrate animation type, but this one is packet based and can be instanced, which means that unlimited amount of players can open the crate at the same time.

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