Animation Actions



  • This action spawns a reward item.

  • The item can be rumbling, so the actual item will be revealed later

  • Arguments:

    • delay - time in ticks of how the task should be delayed

    • length - time in ticks of how long should be the reward visible

    • gravity - true/false, defines if the item should have a gravity or not

    • velocity - a vector (x;y;z) that defines where the reward should be thrown

    • rumblingLength - time in ticks of how long should be the reward rumbling

    • rumblingPeriod - time in ticks of how long should be the period between each rumble

    • offset - a vector (x;y;z) that defines where should be the reward spawned


  • This action plays a sound

  • Custom sounds are supported!

  • Arguments:

    • delay - time in ticks of how the task should be delayed

    • sound - full namespace and sound name (example: minecraft:block.note_block.bell)

    • pitch - pitch of the sound

    • volume - volume of the sound, how far the sound can be heard

    • offset - a vector (x;y;z) that defines where should be the sound played


  • This action spawns a particle at a defined location

  • Supports RGB particles

  • Arguments:

    • delay - time in ticks of how the task should be delayed

    • offset - a vector (x;y;z) that defines where should be the sound played

    • offsetX - how should be the particle spread to X (This is being used for colors too - R)

    • offsetY - how should be the particle spread to Y (This is being used for colors too - G)

    • offsetZ - how should be the particle spread to Z (This is being used for colors too - B)

    • particle - the particle name (example: VILLAGER_ANGRY)

    • count - particle count


  • This action sends a title to player

  • Support Hex colors and Gradients

  • Arguments:

    • delay - time in ticks of how the task should be delayed

    • in - time in ticks of how long should be the fade in

    • stay - time in ticks of how long should the title stay

    • out - time in ticks of how long should be the fade out

    • title - the title...

    • subtitle - the subtitle...


  • This action is for the Cinematic animation type and it smoothly moves the camera to a defined location

  • Arguments:

    • delay - time in ticks of how the task should be delayed

    • duration - time in ticks of how long should it take to move the camera there

    • offset - a vector (x;y;z) that defines where should be the camera moved

    • rotate-head-yaw - degrees that define how should be the head rotated to right/left

    • rotate-head-pitch - degrees that define how should be the head rotated to up/down


  • This action is for the Cinematic animation type and it instantly teleports the camera to a defined location

  • Arguments:

    • delay - time in ticks of how the task should be delayed

    • offset - a vector (x;y;z) that defines where should be the camera teleported

    • pitch - pitch of the location

    • yaw - yaw of the location

Last updated